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Are you sick of all the New Year’s posts yet??

Tracy Badham

Updated: Apr 20, 2023

Let me throw one more at you!

Every day for the past week I’ve added more and more to my to-do lists and goals in my new Best Self Journal. This is an amazing tool by the way if you're looking to keep your mind on track and all the balls in the air without having to clutter your head with every detail. Every year we all boldly proclaim that THIS year we’re finally going to get our act together. We’re finally going to lose that 10 pounds, eat cleaner, be more organized, travel more, spend less… this lists go on and on. I know I'm guilty of this for sure.

I personally had a very hard 2022. Honestly, it's a hard year to look back on with my mother-in-law's hard fought battle with a chronic illness that eventually took her life Thanksgiving morning. But rather than look only at the sadness of our loss of Gill, I'm trying to look back at 2022 and the amazing moments we had as well. Mark and I caring for Gill through her illness... so so hard but I'm incredibly proud of us, especially Mark... he is AMAZING. The special time I had laughing with her and hearing her stories of growing up in England, her parents, her friends, the midwife, the war, and working at Cadbury’s (wish companies were still like that today). How much closer we became with Mark’s sister and her husband through it all. The care teams at The Oaks at Towne Lake and Agape Hospice. Can you imagine our thrilled surprise when we found out Gill's hospice nurse would be Shelli, the same amazing woman who was also my mother's hospice nurse?!

I didn't take many clients in 2022 but I did find time for some and I'm so glad that I did, ranging from headshots, to families, to high school seniors to boudoir. My clients are so amazing! They are. Bringing their enthusiasm to their sessions, having fun ideas, and trusting me with such a personal, professional and intimate experiences. I love y'all. And if you're not a Tracy Badham Portraiture client yet but are kind of thinking about possibly becoming one maybe sometime in the futureish? FABULOUS. This year I plan to pour more and more of myself into this little business, and my upcoming clients and my someday clients give me so much more in return. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.

SO, welcome 2023! I have many plans for you!

And to celebrate some wins this past year, here are a bunch of client photos that got a lot of love in 2022...

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